by the_fertilitydoc on Nov 8, 2022

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🗓 Menstrual Health
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What role do genetic factors play in influencing menstrual problems such as irregular cycles, severe cramping, or hormonal imbalances? @docmfrank

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answered 128 days ago

Genetic factors can play a significant role in menstrual problems like irregular cycles, severe cramping, or hormonal imbalances. Traits passed down from parents can influence hormone levels, reproductive anatomy, and how the body responds to menstrual cycles, affecting menstrual health.

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answered 128 days ago

Genetic factors can play a significant role in influencing menstrual problems such as irregular cycles, severe cramping, or hormonal imbalances. Certain genetic variations can predispose individuals to conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or primary dysmenorrhea (painful periods). These genetic factors may affect hormone regulation, reproductive organ development, or pain perception, contributing to the manifestation of menstrual disorders. Understanding the genetic basis of these conditions can help healthcare providers tailor treatment approaches and provide targeted interventions to address underlying causes, ultimately improving outcomes for individuals affected by menstrual problems.

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Surrogacyanswered 128 days ago

Off course it have a big role. Most of the time your menstruation pattern and allied symptoms will be like your mother. But at the same time, we also add up some reasons for menstrual problems like our hectic/sedentary lifestyle, stress, diet we take( eg- to produce baby and give milk, cows and buffaloes are given hormones, which appears in milk and goes in our stomach. Hormones are also infected to vegetables for faster growth. Pesticides on fruits and vegetables, substance like ajinomoto from Chinese food these are some examples.) your habits like doing heavy work during menses, night shifts, bad habits like smoking and alcohol. Thses things also affect your menstrual health.

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