by dr.caffeine on Nov 19, 2022

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I'm training for a marathon. What dietary adjustments should I make to support my athletic performance?

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Bakinganswered 77 days ago

Hi there,.I hope you are well. Since, you are training for a marathon, here's what you need to do. -Small out your meals, which means have meals at regular intervals, including mid meals. Have 4-6 meals throughout the day. - Before your practice, add dried fruits, fruits, to your diet. - Your requirements for carbohydrates, protein,and fats is likely to go up. -You will need 60% of carbs ( as this is going to be the primary source of energy), Protein-20% ( this will help in building muscles, recovery, and providing strength throughout. Get your complex carbs such as oats, wheat, barley, broken wheat, and protein sources such as lean meat, dairy, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. - Fats will be 20% to provide satiety, fight inflammation, hormone production, and for absorption of nutrients such as Vitamin D, E, K, and A.Nuts, seeds, fatty fish, eggs, avocado are great sources. - Drink enough water as hydration is important during, in between, and post the marathon. Take care ✨✨

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Hi there, I hope you are well. It is important to understand your entire lifestyle to be able to suggest a proper diet. I'd urge you to book a one-one consultation so that I can plan a personalized diet for you as per your daily requirement and nutritional needs. - Essentially two chapatis, along with sabji ( a fibre source) and dal/pulses ( protein) should be good to start with. - A daily nutritious diet should have a blend of enough complex carbohydrates ( oats, wheat, barley), protein ( beans, lentils, sprouts, dairy and dairy products, nuts, and seeds, eggs, chicken, fish), and good fats ( fatty fish, nuts, seeds). Majority of your calories come from carbs, then, protein, and then good fats. - Gradually add some activity in to your routine, it can begin from walking and then you can opt for body weight exercises, Tabata, HIIT, etc. Move as much as possible. - Don't leave a gap of more than 3-4hrs in between your meals. - Get good sleep, and manage stress Take care ✨
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Hi there, I hope you are well. Here's how you can change from a sedentary to a moderately active lifestyle. - Get up early, and go for a walk. You can walk for 25-30mins every morning. This way you will get enough sunlight as well. - In between your work, take short breaks and ensure to stretch or walk for 5-10mins. - Walk after your meals, 10-15 mins after lunch and dinner. - Even when you are at home, don't sit at the same place for more than 45mins, get up do a walk and, some Stretching. - You can do home-based workouts for 15-20mins and upscale as and when you are ready to do so. - Eat a balanced diet with enough fibre, protein, and fats. - Incorporate fruits and vegetables in your diet, and avoid packaged, processed, and refined foods. - Sleep for 7-8hrs hours daily and drink 8-10 glasses of water. - You can even do household chores as and when you get time, as it is a great way to bring in some movement ang burn calories. - Incorporate meditation and yoga to keep stress at bay ✨
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