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by Salsabil Zowail on Nov 13, 2023

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هنتعلم مع بعض إزاي نطور مهاراتنا الشخصية ونشتغل علي نفسنا ، عشان ❤️❤️نتغير للأفضل

📚 Education & Training
Soft Skills

تطوير الذات ازاي اغير من نفسي ويكون عندي شغف للتغير الايجابي ف حياتي عموما

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Education & Careeranswered 284 days ago

تابعي المحتوي اللي هقدمة عن تطوير الذات Self development و تطوير المهارات Skills Development

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Hello, being brave is important, but also remember you don't have to be too hard on yourself. It's okay to ask for help whenever required. It is also a sign of bravery.
You should always challenge yourself about the any situation that yes you can do this by any way. Way out the things in a detailed manner
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What if there has been no waste?? If the 4 years have been miserable, why put in more time to still get unfulfilling results? What is the 4 yrs, taught you more about yourself and now you know exactly what you need. If your partner is not giving it to you, maybe their sole purpose was just to teach you that. Time to make different choices
Yes the intention behind every step is necessary to know.. avoid focusing on result. Fear of being rejected or not supported comes from focusing on the result more than the intention. Most steps we need to take will have results that may not be supported, but they are still necessary for our personal growth. If not stay in the jail of emotional trauma. The CHOICE is always yours!
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Hi girls, have you ever wondered why we choose to live? I mean, think about it. Every day, we wake up, go through the motions, and face all kinds of stress and uncertainty. We know life is finite, that we're going to die someday, yet we keep pushing on. Why? What's the point? I am currently in this situation, don't know what to do and what the point of living is.
I am Pragya Arora, a clinical psychologist and I have got you covered! It’s only natural to ponder the purpose of life. The finite nature of life makes it precious, encouraging us to make the most of our time, create experiences and leave an impact. Why don’t you connect with me to explore your feelings deeper and find your purpose?
Hey there It's quite human to question sense of purpose in life and it can get exaggerated when we're not finding hope or solutions to some problems. Being a part of the human experience is the bar to develop a sense of hope We all strive to have a better quality of life and get the worthwhile experience of existence. If you're struggling with finding sense of purpose, try to explore your goals and your dreams for your life and reflect on your past to plan your future. We know that one day it'll come to an end, but we can atleast make the journey exciting so as to leave a soul print. :)
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"Lately, I've been feeling lost and questioning the purpose of life. I've achieved some of my goals, but I'm still not sure what the point of living really is. Has anyone else felt this way? How do you find meaning or purpose in life when things feel uncertain?
yeah time to time.. But just tell yourself it's just a phase .. you will feel better.. check your vit D3 and B12 levels too and get good rest.. Just visit your nearest market/ vegetable market will bring change to monotonous life..
let's have a 1:1 session to find out your life purpose. 9152623693
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want a happy life
be put there and enjoy to the fullest without thinking about what others would think because one or other way people will say things
Happiness is what you become! It is not about seeking it from outside but from within. If you become joyful and happy, people around you automatically become happier! Spread happiness by you becoming happy, and not seeking of it from others or things! Hope it's not too much..! Be it, to become it! Tc, Preetha Your coach

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