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Anita kataria 38

by 3838wise_jelly on Apr 3, 2024

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Healthy lifestyle with certified dietician

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Weight Management

#fashionvideos #weightlosscoach #livehealthylifestyle #loveyourbody Interested person contact me WhatsApp number more information _9289872003

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Vastuanswered 10 days ago

interested person contact me WhatsApp number _9289872003

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Heya everyone This is my first time using the app.Kindly ignore any mistakes. I am kind of chubby or you can say overweight 24 years old girl.Initially I didn't have any insecurities.But since a year or two when I moved to Delhi.I constantly try to fit in among people.But it feels like I'm losing a part of me.🥲
hey Anonymous. one needs to be physically fit, not to please anyone but for urself. Being overweight should not be the reason for your insecurities . You need to accept yourself first only then others will accept you if you feel you are loosing urself trying to fit in... ask yourself what is it that you are doing that's creating discomfort within you ... identify and work on it.. good luck 👍
It's time for every female to be independent and earn her own income. Start doing work from home with flexible working hours. Female share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521
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I want to loose weight quickly
Hi, I understand we expect a certain body type but taking care of our health is more important than losing weight quickly. Don't push yourself a lot in the process of losing weight.
Hello, unless there is some family function, it is mostly advisable to lose weight slowly in a more sustained manner. Something which you can maintain for a long time, and it doesn't come back easily.
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how to gain weight
Gaining weight typically involves consuming more calories than you burn. Focus on eating nutrient-rich, calorie-dense foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, and lean proteins. Also, consider strength training exercises to build muscle mass, which can contribute to weight gain in a healthy way. Consulting a nutritionist or dietitian can provide personalized guidance.
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how can we gain weight
by changing your diet add right amounts of carbs etc
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Discover the secret to reaching your weight goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with effective weight management strategies that will transform your body and enhance your overall well-being. How can effective weight management strategies transform your body and enhance your overall well-being, helping you reach your weight goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle? @Ratiyag
As per expert recommended Activity that uses 1,500 to 2,000 calories per week is recommended for maintaining weight loss. Adults should try to get at least 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous level physical activity at least 3 to 4 times per week. Diet and exercise are vital strategies for losing and maintaining weight.
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Struggling with weight? Looking for effective strategies to manage it? Share your experiences and tips! @Mute Girl @Ratiyag
Start with a walk and then choose your diet wisely
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#WednesdayWellness Do you view your health routines as lifetime investments? What are the things you do for your health everyday?
Honestly this is a bad habit of mine that I don't look after my health.
Hi @docmfrank -Working out everyday or at least 6 times a week is what I dont miss out. - Also, my morning routine of having soaked nuts, and dates is something that I value a lot :)
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As a young girl, I often feel pressured by social media to look a certain way. How can I maintain a healthy body image and make food choices that support my well-being?
It's okay to feel pressure, but don't let it affect you. Follow self-care practices and limit your use of social media because, as you know, not everything online is the same
I have gone through it, we often take social media seriously. But dear let me tell you it's all illusion. You are beautiful in your own way. You must try to be better version of yourself instead of trying to compete with others.
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Mengapa berat badan naik terus padahal sudah diet?
Faktor seperti stres, kurang tidur, atau perubahan hormon dapat memengaruhi berat badan.
Jika kamu melakukan latihan kekuatan, mungkin berat badan naik karena peningkatan massa otot.

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Hello Lovely ladies I am Mayuri Khanduja .I'm a dedicated Clinical Dietitian and Sports Nutritionist with diverse 15 plus years of experience in multi-speciality hospitals in Chattisgarh state. I actively collaborate with NGOs to promote healthy eating, reflecting my commitment to promote positive dietary habits in the community. As a recipe developer, I prioritize natural, regional foods for dietary plans, ensuring accessibility which has worked well for my patients with diabetes, renal issues, athletes, and other specific dietary needs. My expertise are perimenopausal , menopausal , PCOD ,pregnancy,lactation,weight management ,infertility menstrual health and other women health issues. Leading by example, through practicing what I advise, reinforces the impact of a balanced diet. For my own fitness I regularly go to gym and spend my time in active workouts. As your coach my soul purpose will be to get you results. Join my community Mithāhār on coto and lets talk and chat You can join live sessions with me For personalised sessions , you can book one on one consultationmore

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