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by Dr Nesma on Mar 31, 2024

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Personalized Diet for PCOSanswered 98 days ago

اهلا بيكي ايوة طبعا الاطعمة الغنية باوميجا ٣. زي المكسرات و السمك و الاطعمة الغنية بمضادات الاكسدة زي الخضروات الورقية

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what ayurveda says about how much to eat and what to eat for healthy and happy gut #DigestiveHealth #guthealtmatters #womenayurveda #ayurvedicdietandlifestyletips
Hii Dr Poonam. The quantity of food intake depends on one’s digestive fire which is called as Agni in Ayurveda and it varies in each Prakrithi of a person. To know more please connect with me on my live from 10-1pm and 2-4 pm. Thanks for the question.
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hey! hope you are all doing well. Just wanted to know if Alternative treatments like Ayurveda or Naturopathy work on Heart blockages of 80-90%. or should one opt for Angioplasty? All suggestions are appreciated, quite a crucial time since the Angioplasty is complex in this case. Of anyone is a doctor or knows ang doctor who has handled such cases, any help is appreciated. Thankyou in advance
Hey! Thank you for approaching. Please share the reports with us and we will discuss together. Connect with me on live from 10-1pm and 2-4 pm everyday.
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Would anyone here recommend Ayurveda for heart blockages? 80% in LAD? or should one go for Angioplasty?
Hii kindly share the reports with us and connect with me on my live from 10-1pm and 2-4 pm everyday except on Mondays
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mujhe April me baby hua hai mujhe weight loss karna hai.abhi current weight 71 kg hai and mai dieting bhi nhi kar sakti hu
Ping me for best diet plan.
Hii Pooja thank you for the question. I am Dr Varsha an Ayurvedic expert . Ayurveda has excellent treatments for post pregnancy weight loss.please follow my live from 10am-1pm and 2-4 pm everyday to know more.
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أعاني من خوف وقلق وتفكير زائد أجريت فحوصات للقلب وفحوصات دم ومناعة ومخزون حديد والغدة لكن لا يوجد أي مشكلة كل يوم أعاني من خوف من الموت وأوجاع وعوارض غريبة
اهلاً بيكي برافو عليكي انك عملتي الفحوصات اللازمة لاستبعاد أي سبب طبي آخر للأعراض اللي بتعاني منها الخوف والقلق عشان نتعامل معاهم صح محتاجين نعرف أسبابهم ودرجتهم وده من خلال التقييمات النفسية عشان نقدر نحط خطة علاجية سليمة تساعدنا علي التعافي بشكل صحيح ،طبعاً ممكن نمشي علي بعض الخطوات زي الإسترخاء والتأمل وغيرها واللي هتساعد في زوال الأعراض ولكن بشكل مؤقت عشان كده الأصح نتعامل مع أسباب الأعراض مش مع الأعراض نفسها.
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hi myself Sneha from kalaburagi I hav 3 daughters one is 8 year,2 is 5 years, 3 is 6 months old since m both working n housewife I dnt get time for myself I hav gained lot if weight n extreme hair fall I wanna lose weight but nt getting a minute for myself nt fitting in any clothes m really very much frustrated n exhausted everyday please do help me
first of all i really apreciate that u r handling this all. there are very rare few women who can do this much hardship these days. all the best dear just love ur self ..always tell your self in mirror that you are a wonderful person.
Without giving ur extra time u can easily loose weight by proper diet and nutrition also solve your skin and hair issues no extra cooking required full guidance and motivation and follow up will be provided contact dr chawla 7020545193 for detay
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As a young girl, I often feel pressured by social media to look a certain way. How can I maintain a healthy body image and make food choices that support my well-being?
It's okay to feel pressure, but don't let it affect you. Follow self-care practices and limit your use of social media because, as you know, not everything online is the same
I have gone through it, we often take social media seriously. But dear let me tell you it's all illusion. You are beautiful in your own way. You must try to be better version of yourself instead of trying to compete with others.
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I want to lose my fat
Hey dear,in Ayurved different types of diet describe for different person according to there prakriti.... Some deits can reduce your 3 kg wt. Per mnth..To know more about it DM me
To loose fat without losing muscles and improve skin also contact 7020545193 for details on WhatsApp
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How can I maintain a healthy relationship with food when bombarded by unrealistic body standards on social media?
Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues and allow flexibility around your food choices. 😌✨
Recognize that social media often presents an idealized version of reality and that everyone has unique bodies and experiences. 💜🥰
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I struggle with emotional eating during stressful times. What strategies can I use to manage this better ?
Identify your emotions and situations which leads you to unhealthy eating pattern and try to incorporate healthy alternative there. That's it! Then you are good to go girl.
Hi there, I hope you are well. If you struggle from emotional eating, during stressful times, then, here's what you can do. - Maintain a journal and jot down which food you are likely to crave during those times, whether it is salty, sugary, spicy, fried, etc. - Write the foods you are most likely to reach out to in case of a stressful situation. - Ask yourself as to whether you are hungry or trying to eat because you are stressed. - Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger. - Try to distract yourself by talking to a friend, listening to music, indulging in a hobby, some exercise, dancing, etc. - Avoid stocking unhealthy foods at home, and if you are likely to order online, then, delete foods apps completely. - Honour your cravings once a while, so that you don't end up Overeating whenever you are emotionally down. - Try to eat healthier alternatives of your favourite foods. - Opt for meditation or yoga as and when you feel emotionally stressed or drained :)

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Heba's profile picture
Personalized Diet for PCOS

أخصائي تغذية علاجية ذو خبرة واسعة في المستشفيات و الرعاية الصحية، معتمد من البورد الأمريكي للتغذية more

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Personalized Diet for PCOS


DrShvetta's profile picture
New Mothers

Hi I am Dr Shweta singh(MD ayurveda) a dedicated Ayurveda expert with over 5 years of experience in the field of holistic health and wellness. Specializing in Panchkarma treatments, combines ancient Ayurvedic principles with modern health practices to provide herbal solutions for physical, mental, and emotional well-being of patients. skilled in herbal medicine, and diet/lifestyle consultations, helping individuals achieve balance and harmony in their lives. Through deep understanding of the body’s natural healing processes, empowers people to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.more

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Personalized Diet for PCOS


Hend's profile picture
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Health & Wellness Category Head - coto MENA Dedicated to empowering women with insights on menstrual health, pregnancy, sexual wellness, and nutrition. Step into my universe💁🏼‍♀️more

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Varsha's profile picture
Personalized Diet for PCOS

Hey I am Dr Varsha.MD in Ayurveda. I believe in Empathy, Compassion and good communication skills. more

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Personalized Diet for PCOS


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