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by SwastiGenztherapist on Oct 12, 2022

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Hi everyone! In this community, we talk about our experiences and give ideas to deal with anxiety. This is a place to feel safe and supported. We talk about our feelings and thoughts, share advice, and offer encouragement to one another. We also discuss different ways for managing anxiety and maintaining mental well-being. Join the community and let's create a supportive and understanding environment where we can help each other find peace of mind<3

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Mental Health

I need help! Why do I feel so empty? I’m not sure if I’m depressed but I feel like there is something I am missing in life but I don’t know what it is. I cry for know reason, and sometimes I just want everything to stop. I need some advice please. #counsellingnearme #psychotherapists

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answered 179 days ago

Feeling empty means that what you are doing in life right now has no meaning.. To have a meaning in life means that what you are doing is for bigger purpose.. First step to deal with this is asking yourself why am I doing what I do now? Try to volunteer in any community... These will make an impact in your wellbeing

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Single Parentinganswered 179 days ago

I can relate to this right now fr

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work from home gives you a pleasure and make you independent. Ask any 18+ female to be independent and can share her qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity.
Greetings, I am a therapist and would like to offer guidance. Anger is a very powerful emotion. Techniques like breathing, leaving the situation can be helpful. But the why it's happening is different from person to person. If you would like to have more in-depth understanding, do let me know.
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Hi, this is Pooja Mangal a tarot and astro vastu expert. Don't loose hope... things will get better soon.... let's work together for a happy tomorrow.... share your birth details to know which planet is afflicted in your chart. please join my live to discuss and solve this issue.
WhatsApp +918104333303
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ما الفرق بين المشاعر والأحاسيس
اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 الفرق بين المشاعر والاحاسيس ان المشاعر هي الي بتعبر بيها عن الاحاسيس بمعني الإحساس داخل الشخص لكن المشاعر هي الاحاسيس المنطوقة في العلن المشاعر هي الي بتخلي الشخص يكون حقيقي وقادر يعبر عن احتياجاتوا الداخليه بشكل واضح هنتظرك في اللايف لأي استفسار هتلاقيني معاكي الساعه ٨، ١٠، ١١ وتقدري تتابعيني علي mental health talk اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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كيف يمكننا التعرف على مشاعرنا
اهلا بيكي يا جميلة ❤️ عشان نقدر نتعرف على مشاعرنا محتاجين نتعلم ايه هي اصلا المشاهر المختلفة اللس ممكن نحسها وبتظهؤ علينا ازاي ونفرق بينها نقدر نستخدم في ده حاجة اسمها عجلة المشاعر عشان نحدد بشكل دقيق ايه هو الشعور اللي حاسين بيه ونعود نفسنا زنتدرب على التعبير عن المشاعر ده تعالي نتكلم اكتر في مكالمة على اللايڤ او استشارة مجانية من الساعة ١٢-٥ على ال community بتاعتي "نفسيتك بالدنيا" دمتي جميلة❤️
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-ماذا أفعل إذا كنت أعرف شخصًا يعاني من أعراض مشاكل نفسية؟
اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 مبسوطه من مشاعرك الطيبه انك عايزه تقدمي المساعده للأشخاص الي بيعانوا في البدايه لازم يحس الشخص دا بالمشاعر الكويسه دي زي التقبل ومحاوله المساعده وكمان اديه المساحه للقرار لأنك متقدريش تجبريه لازم يفهم ان المساعده من المتخصص علشان يقدر يفهم نفسوا ويتعامل معاها بقبول واعتدال اديلوا امثله لمتخصصين انت عارفه حد أتعامل معاه أو ثقه بالتالي يقدر ياخد الخطوه تقدري تخليها تتابعني يوميا الساعه ٨، ١٠، ١١ واتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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العلامات التحذيرية للمرض النفسي للبالغين
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عمري 19 لدي هلع دائماً أخاف من فكرة الموت وافكر فيه كثيراً وأشعر دائما اني سأموت مع وجع بالصدر ونغزات وشعور غريب بالقلب و صداع من اليسار والم بالجسم
اهلا بيكي يا جميلة❤️ الاعراض اللي بتوصفيها دي بتتسمى نوبة الهلع او panic attack ولكنها غير مهددة لحياتك لكن بتحسي انها كدة ولكن ليها طرق للتحكم فيها عن طريق فهم اسباب ظهورها تعالي نتكلم اكتر في مكالمة على اللايڤ او استشارة مجانية من الساعة ١٢-٥ على ال community بتاعتي "نفسيتك بالدنيا" دمتي جميلة❤️
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اعاني من الوسواس القهري في كل شيء اخر وسواس هو وسواس فقدان العذرية وأفكار ملحة سلبية، مع بكاء، والخوف، والقلق فما الحل؟
اهلا جميله 🥰 هناك فرق بين الوسواس القهرى واضطراب الشخصية الوسواسية ف الوسواس القهرى والمميز لهذا الاضطراب وجود افكار ملحه والافعال التكراريه وهو كونوع من اضطرابات القلق المفرط والخوف المبالغ فيه أما بوجود وسواس (افكار واندفاعات وصور ذهنيه غير مرغوبة )أو أفعال قهريه(أفعال تكراريه غسل الايدى ، ،الترتيب الخ )مثل افعال عقليه دعاء ، العد ، تكرار كلمات بصمت)و سلوكيه(فتح وقفل النور ، الباب الخ) أو الاتنين معا وهناك أنواع الوسواس القاهرى من ضمنهم وجود افكار وسواسيه بفقد العذريه وهناك علاج ويتم بالعلاج المعرفى السلوكى كى يساعد ع مدار جلسات أن نعمل ع حل المشاكل المعطلة وتغير الأفكار الخاطئة دمتم بخير وود 🥰
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انا اعاني من عدم القدرة على النوم أحاول انام ما اقدر، اجلس ساعتين او ثلاث وانا أحاول انام وانا افكر كيف ادخل إلى النوم وانا اعاني وصرت أخاف من النوم.
اهلاً يا جميله 🌸 محتاجه اعرف منك حبه تفاصيل علشان نقدر نحدد السبب، لوقت منتكلم تقدري تعملي تمارين استرخاء تنفسي أو تمارسي يوجا قبل النوم كمان قللي أو متشربيش اي كافيين خصوصا بعد الساعه ٤ هستناكي يوم السبت من الساعه ٨، ١٠، ١١ وتقدري تتابعيني علي mental health talk اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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حياتي كانت طبيعية ومفيش فيا أي حاجه لحد ما حصل معايا موقف وانا بقت بفكر بالموت كتير ،وبقيت بربط كل الأحداث بالموت ، بقي معايا وسواس بلع الريق ، وسواس الموت اللي مش فارق دماغي ، حتى لو اجيت اتبسط بتيجي ببالي فكرة الموت ، حتى بفكر بالمستقبل وبربط كل الأحداث بالموت ، اي حاجة بتجعني بجسمي بربطها بالموت هل اذهب لاخصائي نفسي او معالج او استشاري هل في امل ارجع لحياتي
اهلا بيكي الخوف من الموت امر طبيعي لكنه يتحول لنوع من ان انواع القلق المرضي لما بيسيطر على تفكيرك وبيكون سببه الخوف من فقدان السيطرة او الخوف من الالم والتعرض لصدمات او شعورك بمرور العمر فجأه عشان كده احرصي على تمارين الاسترخاء وعبري عن افكارك ومشاعرك عشان تقدري تغيري نمط التفكير بالموت ومارسي دايما تمارين التأمل في انك تركزي على اللحظة الحالية وبس وتشتتي انتباهك عن اي فكرة متعلقة بالموت او الخوف من المستقبل . تحياتي🥰🌹

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Hello people! I am Dr. Samadrita Saha; PhD, M.A. (CU); Consultant Psychologist, Parenting Coach. I have worked with more than 10,000+ clients till now to heal and make their life better in terms of getting a better perspective of life, promoting intra-personal relationship & self-care. My expertise includes anxiety management, stress management, coping depression, low self-esteem issues & self-confidence issues, familial relationship challenges, and trauma. I am also seasoned in pre-marital counselling, gediatric or old age counseling and postpartum depression counseling. I believe "healing starts when you feel heard!" Therefore, my therapeutic approach is all about giving you the non-judgemental, unbiased, empathetic safe space to share. I have been practicing for the last 13 years and I take a person-centered approach and love doing therapy with individuals and their families to help them navigate and cope with challenges in their life. I am a working mother of a toddler, I really feel empathetic to the kind of challenges mothers go through and I am here to help you deal & cope with all the challenges of parenting. I use conscious breath work, meditative approaches and a lot of energy work in my therapeutic sessions. I speak English, Hindi & Bengali.more

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Single Parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Krisha Sanghvi, a counselling psychologist with more than 2 years of experience. I am committed to enhancing mental well-being and personal growth. With knowledge in Clinical Health Psychology and a deep-rooted interest for the mind's complexities. My journey includes supporting individuals through anxiety, depression, stress, and relationship issues, always with a personalized touch that sets me apart. I hold certifications in Counselling Skills, Emotion-Focused Therapy, Psychological Safety, CBT, and Art Therapy. Known for my empathetic approach and innovative methods, I strive to create a unique and transformative experience. I believe in the power healing and that everyone has the potential to achieve mental well-being with the right support.more

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Shreyasi's profile picture

Hello Beautiful Souls ✨ Welcome to my corner of healing and growing together! I am Shreyasi Bhattacharya, a Cognitive Hypnotic Psychotherapist and a Trauma Informed Coach. In my 2+ years of experience, I have helped 100+ clients overcome the challenges of their lives and start a journey towards self-growth and discovery. I deal with issues including stress, anxiety, relationship challenges, boundary setting, confidence and self-esteem building, grief, personal growth and self-discovery. My therapeutic approach is rooted in empathy, respect, and collaboration. I believe that every individual's experience is unique, hence, I use an eclectic and flexible approach to empower my clients to navigate difficulties and unclock their potential. Growing up in a patriarchal family, I witnessed the women around me often suppressing their emotions, leading to a lot of mental health challenges. So, I embarked on this journey to equip myself with the skills needed to help people confront and overcome life's challenges, empowering them to live their lives to the fullest! Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. I will be happy to help you in whatever way possible to lead the life that you desiremore

Ananya's profile picture
New Mothers

Hello, I'm Ananya Singh, a dedicated psychology expert with over 2 years of experience in the field. My passion lies in helping individuals navigate through various life challenges and enhancing their mental well-being. Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of working extensively with adolescents, adults, and middle-aged adults. Mental health has often been neglected, and one of my primary motivations for becoming a psychologist. I love helping people and understanding their problems. I have been studying psychology for the past 7 years, and I have never been as passionate about anything else as I am about psychology. As I delved deeper into the field, I recognized that I, too, had my own mental health challenges, including self-esteem and anxiety issues. Before I started counseling others, I sought therapy myself and worked through my personal struggles, which reinforced my commitment to helping others. My expertise covers a wide range of issues, including relationship problems, breakups, marital conflicts, body image concerns in women, self-esteem issues, comparisons with the unrealistic standards set by social media, spouse-related issues, and the pervasive struggles with anxiety and depression, particularly among young women. My approach is empathetic and tailored to each individual's needs, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for healing and growth. In my practice, I have conducted over 200 hours of counseling sessions, predominantly with women of all ages, helping them overcome their struggles and achieve a balanced mental state. Whether you're dealing with personal issues, emotional distress, or seeking guidance for better mental health, I am here to assist you on your journey to well-being. I look forward to connecting with you and providing the support you need to thrive.more

Arthi's profile picture
New Mothers

"Welcome! I'm Arthi Sujai, a seasoned psychologist with over 10+ years of experience specializing in helping women navigate life's complexities from past experiences during childhood through adulthood. With a rich background of working with over 5K clients from diverse cultural backgrounds, I bring a global perspective to my practice. Throughout my career, I've devoted myself to empowering women to overcome challenges such as anxiety, depression, OCD, lack of self-love, stress, and other specific mental health concerns. I understand the unique pressures and societal expectations women face, from the early experiences of bullying and family dynamics to the challenges of adolescent identity formation and peer relationships. As women transition into adulthood, I provide support for career choices, navigating romantic relationships, managing work-life balance, and coping with issues like infidelity, infertility, parenting, and menopause. I also assist women in older adulthood with concerns about aging, health issues, empty nest syndrome, and maintaining social connections. My goal is to help women reclaim their lives and achieve a sense of inner peace and self-worth while navigating the complexities of life's different stages. My approach to therapy is holistic and empathetic, ensuring each client receives personalized care that fosters healing, growth, and resilience. Whether you're seeking support to build self-love, navigate relationship challenges, or achieve balance in various life domains, I'm here to help you achieve your personal and relational goals. My extensive experience enables me to connect with you on a deep level, providing the support and guidance you need to thrive in all aspects of your life. Let's embark on this journey together towards inner peace and self-worth.more

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Clinical psychologist And Psychotherapist and addiction therapist Obsessive-compulsive disorder ، Anxiety ,depression , ايضا بقدم خدماتى مع اضطرابات الشخصيه و الجنسيه والميول المثليه باكثر من مدرسةعلاجيه مثل العلاج المعرفى السلوكى والجدلى السلوكى و التقبل والالتزام والعلاج الزواجىmore

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🧠 Mental Health

Hello, I'm Ananya Singh, a dedicated psychology expert with over 2 years of experience in the field. My passion lies in helping individuals navigate through various life challenges and enhancing their mental well-being. Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of working extensively with adolescents, adults, and middle-aged adults. Mental health has often been neglected, and one of my primary motivations for becoming a psychologist. I love helping people and understanding their problems. I have been studying psychology for the past 7 years, and I have never been as passionate about anything else as I am about psychology. As I delved deeper into the field, I recognized that I, too, had my own mental health challenges, including self-esteem and anxiety issues. Before I started counseling others, I sought therapy myself and worked through my personal struggles, which reinforced my commitment to helping others. My expertise covers a wide range of issues, including relationship problems, breakups, marital conflicts, body image concerns in women, self-esteem issues, comparisons with the unrealistic standards set by social media, spouse-related issues, and the pervasive struggles with anxiety and depression, particularly among young women. My approach is empathetic and tailored to each individual's needs, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for healing and growth. In my practice, I have conducted over 200 hours of counseling sessions, predominantly with women of all ages, helping them overcome their struggles and achieve a balanced mental state. Whether you're dealing with personal issues, emotional distress, or seeking guidance for better mental health, I am here to assist you on your journey to well-being. I look forward to connecting with you and providing the support you need to thrive.more


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🧠 Mental Health

Hello all pretty ladies. Pour out all our thoughts and feelings here unabashedly.more

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متخصص في الإكتئاب متخصص في الوسواس القهري Specialist in Cognitive Psychotherapy School Psychoanalysis 🍃 Couple Therapist 👫 Psychological specialist ✨🤍more

My Favourite Mistakes community profile picture
🧠 Mental Health

Expect this ground to be your comfort zone helping you build a strong emotional and mental background. We pay the utmost priority to mental health here and intend to spread the word. Feel free to talk about just anything here no one would judge you rather appreciate you for being you! more

मानसिक स्वतंत्रता की ओर community profile picture
🧠 Mental Health

चलो बंद करें तनाव का बाज़ार, और आइए, मानसिक स्वतंत्रता की ओर!क्या तनाव, चिंता और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य के बारे में बात करने की ख्वाहिश है? तो यहां हमारे ऑनलाइन समुदाय में शामिल हों! यह विशेष स्थान है जहां हम महिलाओं के बीच एकजुट होकर अपने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य, तनाव प्रबंधन और चिंता के बारे में ज्ञान साझा करते हैं।यहां तुम्हें मिलेंगी सपोर्टिव और अनुभवी महिलाएं जो एक-दूसरे का साथ देती हैं, समस्याओं का समाधान ढूंढ़ती हैं और एक सकारात्मक माहौल बनाने में मदद करती हैं।चलो, आपकी मानसिक स्वतंत्रता की यात्रा का हिस्सा बनें! अभी शामिल हों और समुदाय के साथ ताल्लुक बनाएं, सीखें, और प्रगति करें।more


🧠 Mental Health

let's talk about post partum phasemore