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by Dr.Hima Bindu on Jul 25, 2023

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Salubrity Health is a wellness company committed to mitigating chronic illness through diet. Our current singular focus lies on the slow carb diet, empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being. With meticulous research and holistic approach, we providee resources for sustainable lifestyle changes, fostering a healthier future.

🥣 Food

Were you ever curious if you were eating the right food? U need to eat differently to lose weight, you need to eat differently to have clear skin, You need a different combination of foods to correct pcos..... Salubrity is going to help you debunk them in the coming weeks. Comment down here what confuses you most about the food?

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answered 142 days ago

Yes there are different diets But I think including fruits and veggies in the diet is the best thing in most of the clinical conditions and even when we have to lose weight or get a clear skin

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answered 144 days ago

It's natural to feel confused about food, especially with so much conflicting information out there. Understanding what works best for your body and seeking guidance from professionals can help clarify things.

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New Mothersanswered 141 days ago

Hi Dr Bindu, Yes, when I began practicing nutrition, it was overwhelming for me because there's a plethora of information around, and I didn't know what to follow and suggest. But after years and years of practice, If I ever feel confused, I research on it as much D possible, and find an answer which would suit me, my family, and my clients :) However, there's one more thing that I believe in, one size doesn't fit all. Hence, different things may work for different people. -Nutrition is all about what works best for your body and it's about adopting a healthy lifestyle:) - Everything you see on the internet may not be true, and hence, it's best to be well-researched ✨✨

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answered 134 days ago

Nutrition is indeed a complex topic, and there's often conflicting information out there. I'm curious about how certain dietary patterns affect specific health conditions, like PCOS, and how individual factors play a role in determining the best approach to nutrition.

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answered 118 days ago

im always worried about how much protein that can help me when it comes to bulking

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