by nnikittadudannii on Nov 30, 2022

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Hey everyone, I am Nikita Dudani - practicing Psychotherapist and counselor. I specialise in working with children and adolscents and young adults. This group is a safe, warm, empathetic and understanding space where you are welcome to share, ask, and discuss anything related to mental health. Let us speak up, show up, and heal ourselves.

🧠 Mental Health

I am feeling depressed and losing interest in my studies. What should I do to get back my interest and study effectively without bothering about results? @nnikittadudannii

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answered 133 days ago

I went through the same exact thing in college and suffered for it. After a period of poor academic performance and bearing the consequences, I found the remedy, at least for me, was actually studying more. I don't know if it's the same case for you, but I needed to completely tear myself away from friends and be by myself for a while because I would easily get distracted. One of the most important things for me was to study somewhere away from where I lived and somewhere that I wouldn't be bothered. I started off by planning a long block of time to be spent studying in that one location. I had to also learn to take notes while reading, usually trying to summarize a page at a time. However, once I started getting into the rhythm of it, it actually felt good. Just seeing the page(s) of notes I had made, gave me a feeling of accomplishment that motivated me to do more. I tried to create notes as if I was making them for a friend who missed class. This helped me a lot .

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answered 133 days ago

Focus on self-care, break tasks into smaller steps, set achievable goals, find motivation, create a supportive study environment, take breaks, and prioritize mental health over results.

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answered 133 days ago

It is sad that as a culture we focus more on results than actual education. And this pressure has led many people feeling same. To gain interest in studies, try connecting to those parts of studies that interest you, what is your relationship with study, what makes studies interesting for you. make it a fun Endeavor.

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