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by gorgeous_109_lobster on Mar 11, 2024

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My weight is 96kgs and I'm trying to lose weight . If you have any suggestions for me It will be a help. #ketoweightloss #controlweight

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Hormonal Imbalanceanswered 18 days ago

please contact my WhatsApp number more information _9289872003

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how many chapati is considered healthy for a 28 year old 5.2 feet 60 weight breastfeeding mom of 2.3 year old. how should a nutritious daily diet look like? I was 55 before being pregnant. I am finding it hard to lose the extra weight. I was also diagnosed with hypoglycemia after which I felt the urge to eat more and started weight gain.
thank you.. this helps. I will consider private sessions in the coming days.
Hi there, I hope you are well. It is important to understand your entire lifestyle to be able to suggest a proper diet. I'd urge you to book a one-one consultation so that I can plan a personalized diet for you as per your daily requirement and nutritional needs. - Essentially two chapatis, along with sabji ( a fibre source) and dal/pulses ( protein) should be good to start with. - A daily nutritious diet should have a blend of enough complex carbohydrates ( oats, wheat, barley), protein ( beans, lentils, sprouts, dairy and dairy products, nuts, and seeds, eggs, chicken, fish), and good fats ( fatty fish, nuts, seeds). Majority of your calories come from carbs, then, protein, and then good fats. - Gradually add some activity in to your routine, it can begin from walking and then you can opt for body weight exercises, Tabata, HIIT, etc. Move as much as possible. - Don't leave a gap of more than 3-4hrs in between your meals. - Get good sleep, and manage stress Take care ✨
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What are some healthy snacks and meals I can prepare for myself that are quick and easy, especially with a busy schedule filled with college and extracurricular activities ?
wheat pasta 🍝 poha paneer
Snadwiches 🥪 Fried rice 🍚 soups 🍲
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As a young girl, I often feel pressured by social media to look a certain way. How can I maintain a healthy body image and make food choices that support my well-being?
It's okay to feel pressure, but don't let it affect you. Follow self-care practices and limit your use of social media because, as you know, not everything online is the same
I have gone through it, we often take social media seriously. But dear let me tell you it's all illusion. You are beautiful in your own way. You must try to be better version of yourself instead of trying to compete with others.
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How can I maintain a healthy relationship with food when bombarded by unrealistic body standards on social media?
Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues and allow flexibility around your food choices. 😌✨
Recognize that social media often presents an idealized version of reality and that everyone has unique bodies and experiences. 💜🥰
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I have been gaining weight recently due to my PCOS. But every time I stand in the mirror, I hate the way that i look. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, but how can i stop myself from not liking myself?
Hello there, I completely understand what you must be going through. But instead of comparing yourself to the beauty standards of the society, compare yourself with you. First assess if you are physically healthy. Then Start taking care of yourself, your grooming, your dressing. You can be beautiful and gorgeous at any weight and with any body type as long as you are confident. Do some affirmations to feel beautiful and confident
Hi beautiful, I hope you are doing well. -Weight gain in PCOS is primarily seen due to insulin resistance, high androgen levels and high insulin levels. -However, I have good news for you 🙂 - You can live a healthy lifestyle even with PCOS, and you can lose weight in a healthier manner as well. - All you need to do is focus on your well-being. - Not everyone on Instagram has a perfect body and there are various applications that are used to morph one's appearance. - Hence, start my bringing in small changes in your lifestyle. - Workout for 20-30mins everyday. Begin with home-workouts. - Eat enough fibre, and protein in the diet. - Add salads to both your meals, and have yogurt/buttermilk twice a day. - Avoid packaged, ultra-processed, and refined foods. - Eat your favourite foods once in a while. - Go for a walk, take up a new hobby, focus on your health and on improving your health. - Don't focus on a perfect body, none of us are perfect ✨ you can book a one-one consultation with me.
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Mau cepet kurus gimana caranya ya?
Minum air yang cukup dan hindari minuman berkalori tinggi.
Tidur yang cukup dan kelola stres dengan baik.
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I’ve been trying to lose weight but find it hard to stick to a diet. How can I create a sustainable meal plan that I’ll actually enjoy?
Hi there, I hope you are well. I hear you, and you are not alone :) Here's how you can adopt a healthier lifestyle. - Firstly, understand that you just don't have to go on a diet to lose weight. Rather, you need to adopt a lifestyle which will stay with you for longer. - Along with a balanced diet, you need to incorporate exercise ( for 4-5 times a week, 30mins at least) , drink enough water ( 8-10 glasses), sleep well( 7-8hrs), and manage stress ( by meditation or yoga). - Enjoy the food that you consume, and take small bites, and chew your food well. - Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, eggs, lean meat, wholegrains, dairy and dairy products to your diet. Avoid restricting a particular food group. - Eat your favourite foods once in a while, so that you aren't missing on to anything. - Avoid distractions during meal time. Keep your phone, tab, and laptop away. - Learn to practice moderation and stick to your portions rather than over-indulging :)
I'm too going through this. What I have realised is lowering your eating portion and doing walk helps
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My school classmates forced me to send my pictures on our group chat as we had not seen each other since long, but when I did post them, they started telling me how much I have changed and how much weight I have gained. This has made me feel terrible about myself but I don’t want it to effect me. What do I do??
Ofcourse you must have gained weight since you met them last,and I am assuming it was many years back. If you were conscious about yourself, you would not have send the pics, the fact is rhat you are not liking their opinions about yourself. Have that clarity, and don't let others opinions affect you negatively....be confident as what you are.
don't be afraid of judgements or criticism from others but be mindful that you don't do the same to yourself... be your best friend 😍❤️ Appreciate yourself often . shower yourself with unconditional love then what others say won't have an negative effect on you...and you have your power back
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I love playing sports but sometimes struggle with energy levels. Can you suggest a pre-game meal or snack that can boost my performance?
You can have energy drinks though I don't know much about it 😷
Hey there may I know what kind of sport you play ? High energy sports needs more energy to play if that is your concern,you have to manage your carbs level in your body and after sport protein and electrolytes levels To know more on it you can book one on one consultation with me 😄
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I’m training for a marathon and want to optimize my nutrition for performance. What should my pre-race and post-race meals look like
Pre-race Eat a balanced meal rich in complex carbs, moderate in protein, and low in fat 2-3 hours before the race. Think oatmeal with fruit and nuts, or a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread. Post-race Aim for a combination of protein and carbs to aid in recovery. Options include a turkey wrap with veggies, a smoothie with protein powder and fruit, or grilled chicken with sweet potatoes and greens.
Post-race meals are crucial for recovery and should include a mix of protein and carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores and repair muscles. Good options are a protein smoothie with fruits, grilled salmon with quinoa and vegetables, or a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread. Hydration is also key, so don't forget to drink plenty of water.

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