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by MS023 on Mar 14, 2023

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How can someone support a loved one who is struggling with their mental health?

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Pregnancy answered 200 days ago

This is such a brilliant question, thanknyou for asking as it will help many others too. Being a vare giver is also tough. First is being non-judgemental about their situation and try to learn and educate yourself about what they are going through. What does this particular disorder present as. What symptoms they would be facing or emotions they would be going through. Listen patiently to what they feel and express. Also do not say phrases like.. that its OK, it will pass, be positive. if they could they would have thought its ok. Just be a safe space, where they can vent out, express their emotions, and be as they want when they are going through the episode. And yes please make sure that the treating doctors instructions are followed, as the person going through may become lax.

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