Chums-let's talk about it... community's profile image

by Neetika Rana on Nov 8, 2022

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This community is made for girls,women who can freely talk about menstruation.Let’s talk openly about it,clear the doubts and make this world beautiful place for us to live …

🗓 Menstrual Health
Puberty Problems
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"Is it normal to experience irregular periods during puberty?" @docmfrank

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New Mothersanswered 164 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. Yes, post menarche (1st period), you may face irregular periods, and may not get periods regularly during the first year. However, it is likely to become better post that. However, if it doesn't get better, then, you can visit a gynecologist :) @docmfrank

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answered 160 days ago

+1 to what is commented above by @NutritionistHudaShaikh You may notice irregularities for a year or so when your period starts. It is possible to have irregular bleeding, go months without a period, and also other symptoms like cramps may be pronounced with some cycles. However, if they are consistently irregular even after a year, or you feel extreme discomfort with your periods, consider checking in with a gyenecologist

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