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by Huda Shaikh on Aug 8, 2023

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If you wish to know the how's, and what of nutrition, this community is for you. Get research backed up nutrition/diet advice/updates, and guess what ? we don't believe in demonizing any food item. Let's become aware about nutrition each day. We believe in lifestyle change and not just "dieting".

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This is Meera, 30, with PCOS. What changes should I make to my diet to help manage my symptoms better?

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Eating Disordersanswered 106 days ago

Hi Meera, I hope you are well. Here are a few chances that will help you deal with PCOS better. 1) Include enough fibre in the diet. Fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, millets, nuts, seeds ( chia seeds, flaxseeds). 2) Add enough protein in the form of lean meat, eggs, lentils, beans, yogurt, buttermilk, nuts, and seeds. 3) Maintain a healthy weight. 4) Avoid consuming high calorie, low nutrient foods items, such as fried fruits, ultra processed foods, refined foods, packaged foods, etc. 5) Get enough rest and sleep for 7-8hrs, daily. 6) Include herbal teas such as spearmint, chamomile tea to manage your symptoms. 7) Consider taking a myo-inositol supplement after consulting a doctor. 8) Start your morning with a wholesome breakfast, and avoid consuming sugary cereals or high calorie food items. 9) Manage your stress levels with yoga and meditation. 10) Include a workout at least 4-5 times a week in your routine. It can be a home-based workout, or zumba, pilates, a walk ..take care✨

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Personalized Diet for PCOSanswered 53 days ago

Hello Meera! I am Shruti Shingvi. I am a nutritionist with a masters in nutrition and dietetics. Dietary changes depend on your symptoms, goals and current diet. A good place to start would be to ensure you’re eating enough fiber through fruits and vegetables, having protein in every meal and maintaining a healthy sleep cycle, workout routine and water consumption. Please feel free to connect with me for a more precise dietary changes for your unique requirement.

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