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by Nesma Yaser on Mar 31, 2024

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دكتور لو انا عندي نقص فيتامين A اكل اي ولا اعمل اي عشان اضبط الموضوع دع

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Financial Independenceanswered 77 days ago

اهلا بيكي هو حسب النسبة اللي في التحليل بيتحدد الاكل هيكون كافي ولا محتاجين مكمل غذائي فيه اكلات كتيير فيها نسبة عالية من فيتامين A زي الجزر و الكبدة و السلمون و زيت السمك و الفلفل الالوان و التونة

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Based on my dietary habits and goals, what are some tailored nutrition strategies to support bone health, especially considering the risk of osteoporosis later in life?
Hi there, I hope you are well. The risk of osteoporosis increases due to drop in Estrogen. Tips to support bone health- - Include calcium rich foods to the diet. Dairy and dairy products, sesame seeds, green leafy vegetables, fortified foods, ragi, almonds, figs, chickpeas, black sesame seeds, etc. - Ensure to get enough Vitamin D because without it the calcium you eat won't get absorbed in the body. Get enough sunlight for at least 10-15mins daily. Include foods like lean meat ( fish, chicken), eggs, mushrooms, nuts, seeds, dairy products ( fortified with Vitamin D), etc. - For better bone health nutrients like Zinc, and magnesium are important as well. Nuts, seeds, dark chocolate ( once in 3-4 days), avocado, banana, leafy greens ,lean meat, beans, and dairy are good sources of the same. - Include weight training to improve bone density & strength. - Take supplements only if suggested by the doc. - Too much salt, caffeine, alcohol,soda, and red meat isn't great for bones. Take care
To support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, focus on consuming calcium-rich foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Ensure an adequate intake of vitamin D through sources like sunlight, fatty fish, and fortified foods. Incorporate magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake as they can affect bone health. Regular weight-bearing exercise also helps strengthen bones.
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I’ve heard about superfoods. Can you share some easy ways for me to incorporate them into my meals for added health benefits?
Hi there, I hope you are well. As a nutritionist, every food is a superfood because every food has got a purpose to serve and each food is likely to give you varied nutrients. Here's how you can make every food a super food :) - You can prepare a smoothie or mixed fruit bowl and add flaxseeds or chia seeds on top. - Add vegetables to your chilla/pancakes, you can prepare these chillas will millet flour or oats flour. - Prepare a mukhwas with different seeds and have it post lunch and dinner. - Include berries and bell-peppers in your daily routine, by using berries in your smoothies, over pancakes, etc, and bell peppers can be sauteed and added to salads, sprouts, rice, etc. - You can have green leafy vegetables at least twice a week as a soup, sabzi, in parathas, wraps, chilla, and much more. - You can grill or roast your chicken/fish, and have boiled egg salad/ or add eggs to rice, soup,have it as an omelette or sandwich. - You can prepare chickpeas/kidney beans salad, rice, & wraps.
Chia seeds: Add them to smoothies, oatmeal, or muffins for a boost of fiber, protein, and antioxidants.
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I want to go on a Vegan diet but my mom is against it as she feels that it will not fulfill my nutritional needs. How do I make her understand that vegan diet is still nutritional and healthy?
You can find her some real examples of persons around you who have benefitted from vegan diet and increase her trust factor in it ❤️
You can make her watch certain YouTube videos of legit doctors and dieticians which will increase her trust in vegan diet 🥰
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I love playing sports but sometimes struggle with energy levels. Can you suggest a pre-game meal or snack that can boost my performance?
You can have energy drinks though I don't know much about it 😷
Hey there may I know what kind of sport you play ? High energy sports needs more energy to play if that is your concern,you have to manage your carbs level in your body and after sport protein and electrolytes levels To know more on it you can book one on one consultation with me 😄
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What are some nutritious and tasty snack ideas that can help me stay focused during study sessions or after-school activities?
Hi there, I hope you are well. Here are some nutritious and tasty snack ideas. 1) Roasted makhana 2) Whole wheat sandwich with veggies and paneer/chicken. 3) Home-made poha or kurmura chivda 4) Makhana bhel /kurmura bhel 5) Chickpeas or moong chaat 6) Vegetable idli/mini uttapam 7) Dates and oats laddoo 8) Home-made protein bars with oats and seeds. 9) Fruit yogurt smoothies 10) Upma or poha with veggies I hope this helps, Take care ✨
You must try something healthy like dry fruits, dates, juices etc
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Want to improve your health and energy levels? Discover the secrets of proper nutrition!😊😊😊
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My mom keeps telling me about how important eating healthy is, and while I get it, sometimes I just want to indulge in some junk food or sweets with my friends. How do I explain this to her?
Yea it happens. It's difficult to control your eating habits. You can do one thing, keep a day in a week when you can eat your favorite things and have good diet rest of days
Hi there, I hope you are well. Your mom is worried for you and your health and it's absolutely understandable ✨✨ Here's how you can explain it to her - - Sit her down and tell her how you are planning to eat healthy from Monday until Saturday. - Tell her that as per research and nutrition experts, indulgence is okay, once in a while, especially during any one meal of the day on Saturday or Sunday. - You can explain that you will eat healthy the whole day, and then, have a portion of favourite foods. - Promise her that you'll eat in portions and won't go overboard with the same. - It's a phase which shall pass and your mom will understand that you need to have your favourite food/foods once in a while. - Take it as a learning phase, because even my mom would instruct me and my siblings when we were in college. - Don't mind it, and just go with the flow :) I hope this helps, take care ✨
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I struggle with late-night snacking. What are some healthy options to satisfy cravings before bed?
Hey for late night snacking you can opt for a handful of nuts, small banana, carrot and cucumber salad, air popped popcorn, herbal tea For a tailored diet plan book a one on one session with me @Dietitian_Sheema and join my communities @healthharbor and @NutriVibe
Hello, I am certified Nutritionist Prajakta and would like to share some insight on late night snacking, this happens only if one has not eaten proper meals throughout the day especially the last meal of the day. The best way to answer your query in detail would be if you book a one on one session with me and join my community Fit Foods and attend my live sessions.
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Apa saja minuman yang dapat dikonsumsi untuk menurunkan berat badan?
Air putih membantu menjaga hidrasi tubuh tanpa menambah kalori.
Minuman yang dapat dikonsumsi untuk menurunkan berat badan termasuk air putih, teh hijau, dan kopi hitam. Air putih membantu menghidrasi tubuh tanpa kalori tambahan. Teh hijau mengandung antioksidan dan zat-zat tertentu yang dapat meningkatkan metabolisme. Kopi hitam tanpa gula juga dapat meningkatkan metabolisme dan memberikan energi tanpa kalori tambahan.
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How can I create a balanced and nutritious diet plan that supports both my thyroid health and overall well-being?
Hi Koushiki, I hope you are well. To support your thyroid health you require nutrients like Iodine, selenium, iron, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin B12. These nutrients will also support your overall health. - You can get these foods from green leafy vegetables ( have it cooked), lean meat, eggs,dairy and dairy products, fresh fish ( avoid fried fish for it has higher amounts of salt in it) , sweet potato, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, carrot, bell peppers, etc. - Additionally have Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale in the cooked form only. - Go slow on consumption of soy and peanuts. - Include enough fibre and protein in your diet to ensure overall health. - Start your day with lukewarm water and a couple of soaked nuts. - Keep yourself active, and keep stress at bay. - Have mid-meals or healthy snacks to support your energy requirements. - Avoid ultra processed, packaged and refined foods . Take care ✨
Hi Kaushiki you can exclude cauliflower family and soya family in foods And include local seasonal fruits and vegetables with liberal cereals and protein moderate fats , enough hydration

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