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by rifakrn on Jun 30, 2023

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"Tenang dan Damai" is community that speaks around emotional and mental health well being that help you become mentally stable in your 20s

🧠 Mental Health
Grief Counselling

Memang benar ya, jika kualitas mental health yang buruk dapat memperburuk kualitas hubungan dengan manusia? Jadi kalau lagi jelek bagusnya menghindar atau mengomunikasikan?

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answered 192 days ago

Ada kalanya kita berhenti sejenak menikmati apa yg ada, membiarkan begitu aja sambil mencerna, sampai pikiran mulai jernih

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Incorporating a holistic approach, how can nutrition support mental and emotional well-being for women, including strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations?
Hi there, I hope you are well. -Nutrition plays a key role in overall well-being. Each nutrient we consume is needed for nourishment of different organs and tissues. Hence, it is necessary to include a balanced diet which comprises of fibre, protein, and good fats. -Fibre is needed for improving digestion and for keeping your gut healthy.There is a link in between your gut and brain , and hence, fibre is necessary. Include wholegrains, vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, lentils to the diet. - Protein is needed for functioning of various hormones,wear and tear of muscles, and for nourishing each cell in the body.Include beans, lentils, dairy and dairy products, lean meat, nuts, and seeds to the diet. - Omega 3 fatty acids rich foods can improve your mood and facilitate better brain functioning. Nuts, seeds, fatty fish, eggs, avocado, olive oil are great sources of the same. - Include meditation, and yoga in your daily routine to combat stress. - Opt for a walk, and sleep well. Take care ✨
Balanced diet, rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, supports mental health. Include mood-boosting foods like omega-3s, magnesium, and zinc. Avoid excess caffeine, sugar, processed foods. Hydration and mindful eating help too.
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Its better to stay with less friends then the friends who dont value your feelings, nevertheless, confrontation of how you feel can also help to either break off or bring you closer
Just go and have a straightforward conversation with them. Just vent out everything to them about how you have been feeling. If they are your true friends then they will definitely understand you.

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🧠 Mental Health

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