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by shokran on Jul 5, 2023

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لماذا من المهم التعبير عن مشاعرنا بطريقة صحية

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Personalized Diet for PCOSanswered 88 days ago

اهلا بيكي عليا اول حاجة انك تعبري عن مشاعرك دي حاجة كويسة اوي ليكي وهتريحك تاني حاجة اني اعبر بطريقة صحيحة علشان متخسريش نفسك ولا اللي قدامك بيحصل تنفيس علي اللي جواكي وكمان ممكن تاخدي حقك وتساعدي اللي قدامك انه يفهمك انهاردة الساعه ٩ م هتكلم علي ادارة المشاعر هستناكي 🤍

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انا عندي نحافة مفرطة عمري23 و وزن 42 ده طبيعي؟؟؟؟؟
انا طولي١٦٣.. من سنتين بزبط بعد وفات أخويا مداومة على السهر في الليل والنوم في النهار ..بالمختصر كدا نوم مش منتظم من سنتين تماماً مش بأيدي طبعا انا ياما حاولت اعدل ... التزم يوم يومين وارجع للدوامة هي . عاملة تحليل دم شامل والحمد الله سليم
محتاجه اعرف منك شويه تفاصيل اكتر وتعملي شويه تحاليل هابين ممكن يكون المشكله فين محتاجه تقولليلي لو عملتي صوره دم stool and uorin وغده درقيه وشويه تفاصيل عن نومك و نوع الاكل اللي بتاكليه ف يومك
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As a young girl, I often feel pressured by social media to look a certain way. How can I maintain a healthy body image and make food choices that support my well-being?
It's okay to feel pressure, but don't let it affect you. Follow self-care practices and limit your use of social media because, as you know, not everything online is the same
I have gone through it, we often take social media seriously. But dear let me tell you it's all illusion. You are beautiful in your own way. You must try to be better version of yourself instead of trying to compete with others.
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How can I maintain a healthy relationship with food when bombarded by unrealistic body standards on social media?
Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues and allow flexibility around your food choices. 😌✨
Recognize that social media often presents an idealized version of reality and that everyone has unique bodies and experiences. 💜🥰
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I struggle with emotional eating during stressful times. What strategies can I use to manage this better ?
Identify your emotions and situations which leads you to unhealthy eating pattern and try to incorporate healthy alternative there. That's it! Then you are good to go girl.
Hi there, I hope you are well. If you struggle from emotional eating, during stressful times, then, here's what you can do. - Maintain a journal and jot down which food you are likely to crave during those times, whether it is salty, sugary, spicy, fried, etc. - Write the foods you are most likely to reach out to in case of a stressful situation. - Ask yourself as to whether you are hungry or trying to eat because you are stressed. - Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger. - Try to distract yourself by talking to a friend, listening to music, indulging in a hobby, some exercise, dancing, etc. - Avoid stocking unhealthy foods at home, and if you are likely to order online, then, delete foods apps completely. - Honour your cravings once a while, so that you don't end up Overeating whenever you are emotionally down. - Try to eat healthier alternatives of your favourite foods. - Opt for meditation or yoga as and when you feel emotionally stressed or drained :)
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تعرفو إن التفاعل الاجتماعي الصحي بيزود القدرات العقلية وبيحسن صحة الجهاز المناعي؟! العلاقات الإجتماعية اللي في حياتكم سلبية وللا إيجابية؟
كلامك صح جداً وعشان ميأثروش علينا سلباً لازم التواصل معاهم يكون بطريقه فعاله،نعبرلهم عن رأينا،مشاعرنا ونوضح تحديداً محتاجين منهم ايه بلطف لكن كمان بحزم.
أنصحك تشوفي السبب ضروري لإن ده مؤشر لوجود مشكلة
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How can we become thin without any workout.
Taking proper nutrition and increasing metabolism u can be thin without workout for details contact dr chawla 7020545193
managing calries intake with nutrition dense food will solve ur problem for detail guudance contact 7020545193 Dr chawla
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I struggle with maintaining a healthy body image, especially when I see unrealistic beauty standards in the media. How can I focus on nourishing my body without obsessing over my appearance ?
If you focus on social media then you won't be able to do justice to yourself. There are so many people out their giving different standards regarding every phase of life. You can't compete with everyone. Set your own goals and try to accomplish them.
So since you are comparing yourself with the people in media also compare the kind of team of experts they have access to , the time they devote to this and why they do it is they make the crores or lacs out of it hence comparison is a bad space to begin with hence drop it totally, having said that it’s good love yourself and get fit for yourself and to have realistic goals that you can achieve like 2 kg per month of weight loss by eating healthy and exercising, enough and timely rest and obsessing is a rajsik man ki sthiti , the mind state here is the key , remember sculpting any body into what you like it be is a process and the good part is you started and you l reach keep at it balance is the key to progress!!!! When you start a drive u don’t obsess over when will you reach you know you will u enjoy the journey too na same with fitness enjoy the journey and trust the process , ♥️Chittrah Kanal
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My school classmates forced me to send my pictures on our group chat as we had not seen each other since long, but when I did post them, they started telling me how much I have changed and how much weight I have gained. This has made me feel terrible about myself but I don’t want it to effect me. What do I do??
Ofcourse you must have gained weight since you met them last,and I am assuming it was many years back. If you were conscious about yourself, you would not have send the pics, the fact is rhat you are not liking their opinions about yourself. Have that clarity, and don't let others opinions affect you negatively....be confident as what you are.
don't be afraid of judgements or criticism from others but be mindful that you don't do the same to yourself... be your best friend 😍❤️ Appreciate yourself often . shower yourself with unconditional love then what others say won't have an negative effect on you...and you have your power back
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I have a history of binge eating. What steps can I take to break this cycle and develop a healthier relationship with food?
Hii dear, firstly Identifying the root cause of your binge eating is crucial. Once you understand why you turn to food, you can begin addressing those underlying issues. Setting boundaries around your eating habits can help prevent impulsive behavior. Practicing mindfulness while eating encourages awareness of your body's hunger and fullness cues, promoting healthier eating habits.
Firstly, Practice mindful eating, identify triggers, seek support from a therapist or support group, and focus on balanced meals and regular eating patterns.
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Heya everyone This is my first time using the app.Kindly ignore any mistakes. I am kind of chubby or you can say overweight 24 years old girl.Initially I didn't have any insecurities.But since a year or two when I moved to Delhi.I constantly try to fit in among people.But it feels like I'm losing a part of me.🥲
hey Anonymous. one needs to be physically fit, not to please anyone but for urself. Being overweight should not be the reason for your insecurities . You need to accept yourself first only then others will accept you if you feel you are loosing urself trying to fit in... ask yourself what is it that you are doing that's creating discomfort within you ... identify and work on it.. good luck 👍
Hello Thank you for sharing and you don't have to be sorry for anything. This is a safe and non- judgemtal space for you. I can understand moving to a new city comes with lot of adjustment issues and it's hard. I wil suggest talk to our mental health professionals on their live sessions so that you can talk about it more and will get the help you require

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Personalized Diet for PCOS


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Personalized Diet for PCOS



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